Malaysia boleh?

Malaysia streamyx or whatever internet line provider are suck. How come my download speed just for 3KBps only? I pay rm88 for 1mbps and i get 3KBps but not 170kbps?? I never gets the full speed for my home line. Technical problem is just reason la . Sometimes my ADSL stopped or dc for 2 or 4 days. And not only happened just once but few times . Wtf?? Wei macam mana mau download , mau online gaming kalau bayar mahal tapi dapat dl/ul speed macam dailup ??? Cibai la , tengok porn pun potong stim la . Stuck stuck stuck dc. Malaysia boleh ka??

Boleh blar la noob!

Or modem rosak?? Wei tambi , wa sudah tukar modem 2 kali la .

Streamyx suck , suck la, just accept it BOLEH?